Mantra4u brings you a series of products that allow you to view and wear Mantras, Prayers, and images.
In 2014, my husband was diagnosed with cancer. Every evening we would sit together and read the Narasimha Kavacha for protection. We would often talk about him wanting a pendant in which he could view the Mantra. I wanted to get one for him but found nothing, he then suggested getting one made.
After his passing, as I was struggling with depression, I wanted to do something to honor him and remembered that he had wanted a pendant. I started to research again but to no avail. Finally, in tears, I prayed to Lord Narasimha Dev that if He wished to manifest in This Form, then He will need to guide me because I was giving up the next day.
Lord Narasimha answered my prayers. I woke up to a reply from one of the companies I had reached out to and they were willing to work with me to make me a custom pendant with the Mantra in it. It was an incredible and healing journey designing the Pendant and the layout of the Mantra and when the Pendant was complete, I felt a sense of peace having fulfilled my husband’s desire. I wanted to share this feeling of peace and protection with others and with that “Mantra4u” was born. Now we offer a line of Mantras and custom products. We pray that you may feel the Power and the Protection of these Mantras, as well.